Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Welcome To "And All That Jazz"!!

Hello, fellow jazz lovers. In this blog, you will find me writing about jazz, blues, and the ever important artists that are behind it all. I hope to throw this blog into the limelight of mainstream so that everyone can see the music for what I see it as . . .pure, raw emotion in the form of piano, brass, reeds, strings, and of course, vocal chords.
To me, music is the best, most symbolic way to express one's self, and the way I see jazz artists expressing themselves is the most truthful way I've ever seen. The raw power that goes behind each chord, lyric, or even an entire album is amazing to me, and I feel the need to publish my thoughts on it, and in the future, thoughts from the artists themselves.
So, to you the reader, I give you this, my new blog, dedicated to Jazz . . .

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