Thursday, December 6, 2007

Been a long time . . .

Wow. So much had changed in my life since I last wrote in this blog.
I won't recant any tales of dramatic intrigue for you, but I will say that I am glad to be back, with some exciting news . . . We're moving!!
Due to the fact that I've stopped using this account, but have continued my adventures in the music world, I am moving to another site, and moving a lot of the content from this site over.
It's still Blogspot, of course. I'm still broke. ;-) But I do still have an appreciation for quality music that I know will lead to ultimate success for its makers.
I have moved to
I feel that I gave this current site a misnomer, and that is half the inspiration behind moving. Although I have a deep love for all things jazzy, I've not included some elements of the music world that have just as significant an impact as jazz. I felt like I was isolating myself to a corner far too small in a room far too big, and this is my chance to explore a broader spectrum of the music rainbow, and show my appreciation for the music I write about (all the while trying to get famous).
I would like to thank everyone who reads along, and hope you will come along with me to my new site to read some more on my thoughts in the music world, as well as what the artists themselves have to say. I promise a very interesting content, and those of you who have read along won't be disappointed in the writing. Thanks again, and visit

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