Saturday, January 6, 2007

Looking For Two More Writers

Well folks, the holidays are over, the New Year has begun, and with it comes a lot of new challenges. One challenge that has presented itself to me is writing for this site all by my lonesome.

I've got to say, juggling school, a job, and doing this without pay . . .it's not exactly time-efficient. On the other hand, I wouldn't give this up for a date with Alexa Joel. . .okay, so maybe I would, but that's not the point. The point is that I get immense joy out of running this site, and out of writing for it. My passion is in the music, as well as in the writing. Unfortunately, I've only been gifted with one of the above.

So, with that being said, I would like to announce that I am looking for two writers who, like me, are devoted to the love of music, and to allowing everyone a chance to know what's happening in the industry. I myself do not get paid for writing in this site as of yet, so please, don't expect anything more than my deepest appreciation if you do get the job. However, I do have big plans for this site, and once it takes off, who knows? Maybe we'll get sponsored, maybe we'll get hosted by a paying site . . .the point is that this site has potential to be something wonderful, and I can't do it by myself anymore. My success is my demise, or so it would seem.

I am looking for someone who can not only appreciate the music, but also describe it with the proper due.

Credentials in the field of journalism would be an asset, as would a stand alone education in English as an art.

I am currently accepting applications through my profile contacts, and I require two articles of musical orientation to review for acceptance. Any format of writing is acceptable, so long as it is tasteful and stays true to the medium.

As I said before, I cannot pay my writers as of yet, but with even a little bit of success, that could all change. Think big. I am.

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